My Salute to China and Shenzhen During the Coronavirus Epidemic

过去四个多星期以来我在热爱的深圳家乡跟中国人民一起度过这个特殊时期。 在疫情当中我特别钦佩中国人民的勇气和同舟共济,以及医务人员的奉献精神, 中国老百姓凭借超乎常人的自律、耐心和意志力,平和且又坚定地忍受着各种生活和工作上的不便,共度时艰。我对中国人民和中国政府壮士断腕般坚定地控制疫情表示衷心的感谢。中国一定会打赢这场关键战役。中国加油!

I’ve been here in Shenzhen, my adopted hometown, continuously from the start of the Coronavirus epidemic. While this city and the country are still confronting a monumental crisis and short-term economic uncertainty, the worst seems to be behind us. I want to say how grateful and inspired I am by the bravery, collective will and purpose, endurance and resolve of the Chinese people and its government. We fight and we prevail together

1 thought on “My Salute to China and Shenzhen During the Coronavirus Epidemic”

  1. You’re wearing the mask wrong. Pull it all the way over your nose, like the people next to you. Air is leaking in and out by the gaps next to your nose. It’s people like you who spread disease.

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